Webinar Registration Information, Ensuring Patient Readiness for Discharge – A Case Review Based, Beneficiary-Centered, Quality of Care System-Wide Improvement Initiative (201001)

FROM: Theodore O. Will, Chief Executive Officer
DATE: January 6, 2010
SUBJECT: Webinar Registration Information, Ensuring Patient Readiness for Discharge – A Case Review Based, Beneficiary-Centered, Quality of Care System-Wide Improvement Initiative
IPRO CONTACT: Andrea Goldstein, RN, MS, Vice President, Medicare/Federal Health Care Assessment,(516) 209-5364



Please join IPRO on January 21st, 2010 at 10:30 a.m., for our first in a limited series of webinars, Ensuring Patient Readiness for Discharge, A Case Review Based, Beneficiary Centered, Quality of Care System-Wide Improvement Initiative.

As described in IPRO Medicare Administrative Memorandum #2009-04, there are many excellent programs, websites and resources available that offer guidelines, suggestions and quality improvement tools that providers may wish to consider in evaluating their system-wide, interdisciplinary processes that result in patient discharge. Thus, we are pleased to announce that Mark V. Williams, MD, FACP, FHM, Professor and Chief, Division of Hospital Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Hospital Medicine, Past-President, Society of Hospital Medicine and Principal Investigator, Project BOOST, (Better Outcomes for Older Adults through Safe Transitions) will be a guest speaker on this call. Additional information is available on the Society of Hospital Medicine website at Society of Hospital Medicine | SHM Quality Improvement Landing Page.

In addition, to Dr. William’s presentation, IPRO’s Medical Director, Monty Bodenheimer, MD, FACC, and Beneficiary Protection (Theme 6.1) staff will introduce our new beneficiary centered, Community of Practice website on JENY designed to complement the webinars and serve as an interactive site for collaboration and sharing of the many quality improvement tools and available resources that ensure patient readiness for discharge and mitigate the possibility of readmission. We also hope to promote the sharing of provider-developed solutions and celebrate patient-centered quality improvement success stories both through JENY and on future webinars.

Registration for our January 21st webinar is required. Please register at www.regonline.com/beneficiary.

Should you have any questions in regard to this memorandum, please feel free to contact Andrea Goldstein, Vice President, Medicare/Federal Health Care Assessment at 516-209-5364.