Revised: IPRO NY PORTS Review Process (200409)

FROM: Theodore O. Will, Chief Executive Officer
DATE: Oct 22, 2004
SUBJECT: Revised IPRO NYPORTS Review Process

Kathleen M. Fox, Senior Director of Medicaid Review Operations, Extension 361

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has revised the IPRO NYPORTS review process. IPRO’s retrospective NYPORTS review process will now be consistent with other retrospective case finding procedures followed by the NYSDOH. Effective November 1, 2004 all cases identified by IPRO as a NYPORTS event and determined not to be reported will be referred to NYSDOH regional offices for issuance of a Statement of Deficiency (SOD) for non-reporting. In the event that a hospital receives a SOD and disagrees with the determination of non-reporting, it can refute the reportability of the event in their Plan of Correction. If the hospital can successfully prove that the event was not reportable, the SOD will be withdrawn.

IPRO will continue to review for NYPORTS events on all cases selected for mortality, complications and readmissions. If a potential event is identified, the chart will be requested offsite for further confirmatory review.

If you have any questions please call the above IPRO contact.