Privacy Policy

Commitment to Privacy

The privacy of our Internet visitors is important to IPRO. We understand that visitors need to be in control of their personal information. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected at IPRO websites.

General Information

You do not have to give us personal information to visit our sites. If you choose not to provide personal information, you can still visit IPRO websites.

We offer links to other websites. Please note: When you click on links to other websites, we encourage you to read their privacy policies. Their standards may differ from ours.

IPRO reserves the right to change the privacy practices described in this notice if the practices need to be changed to be in compliance with the law. As our privacy policies change in significant ways, we will make every effort to notify you of the changes. Minor changes to the policy that will not affect our use of individually identifiable information may occur. When the privacy policies change in a way that significantly affects the way we handle personal information, we will not use the information we have previously gathered without obtaining consent from the appropriate individual. We will post privacy policy changes on our websites in a timely manner.

IPRO’s websites are designed and intended for use by adults, and are not intended for, nor designed to be used by persons under the age of 18. Minors under the age of 18 may register for our websites that collect or present personal health care information only with the prior written consent of their parent or legal guardian, and then only under the direct supervision of that parent or guardian. The parent or guardian is responsible for providing supervision to ensure the minor’s authentication information is kept secure and the credibility of the health record is maintained. We do not collect personally identifiable information from any person we know is a child under the age of 13.

A cookie is a small piece of information that is sent to your browser — along with a Web page — when you access a website. There are two kinds of cookies. A session cookie is a line of text that is stored temporarily in your computer’s memory. Because a session cookie is never written to a drive, it is destroyed as soon as you close your browser. A persistent cookie is a more permanent line of text that gets saved by your browser to a file on your hard drive.

You do not need to have cookies enabled to visit an IPRO website.

Visitors to each of our websites can access the website’s home page, and browse areas of the site, without disclosing any personally identifiable information. We do track information provided to us by your browser, including the website you came from (known as the “referring URL”), the type of browser you use, the time and date of access, and other information that does not personally identify you.

IPRO’s Safeguards

We have safeguards in place to protect an individual’s protected health information. These include:

  • Workforce training on IPRO’s confidentiality and privacy policies and procedures
  • Implementing administrative, technical and physical controls to comply with HIPAA, the HITECH Act and other government requirements
  • When necessary, executing written business associate agreements or data use agreements with external parties in order to maintain the privacy and security of protected health information

While IPRO will make every attempt to protect the personal information that you share with us, electronic mail is not secure against interception. If your communication is very sensitive, you may want to send it by postal mail instead.

Never send personal information regarding any medical condition, history or diagnosis in an email message to us. Never send any personally identifiable or otherwise sensitive information in an email message. Never disclose your password or any other security token in an email message. IPRO will never ask you for your password.

When IPRO is Required or Permitted to Use or Disclose Protected Health Information

Based on the HIPAA Privacy Standards, IPRO is required or permitted to use or disclose protected health information to an individual, someone acting on behalf of the individual or to the government. Some examples include:

  • Individual or personal representative makes a specific request for the protected health information
  • Government compliance investigations, reviews or enforcement actions
  • For the purposes of treatment, payment or health care operations
  • Public interest and benefit activities
  • Limited data sets

Personally Identifiable Information

We may collect personally identifiable information (name, e-mail address, physical address, and other unique identifiers) only if specifically and knowingly provided by you.

Personally identifying information collected will be used only in connection with IPRO contract activities, or for such purposes as are described at the point of collection.

Information collected is used for statistical purposes. IPRO performs analyses of user behavior in order to measure user interest in the various areas of our sites.

IPRO uses list servers to send out information and notices to subscribed users of our sites.

IPRO will protect the personal information that you share with us. IPRO does not disclose, give, sell, or transfer any personal information to third parties. If we share demographic information with third parties, we will give them aggregate information only.

Problem Resolution

If you have concerns regarding personal health information privacy, or if you have questions pertaining to IPRO’s privacy practices, pleas contact Tierre Jeanné-Porter, Esq., Vice President, Compliance and Contracting, at our headquarters, which is located at 1979 Marcus Avenue Lake Success, NY 11402, by calling (516) 507-9036 or via email at